
How to Make Health and Fitness A Priority

How to Make Health and Fitness A Priority

There is no formula or step-by-step process in the entire universe that will force a change in your life. YOU have to want to make that change bad enough for yourself. If you do, you'll make it happen. If you don't, you won't. It's a simple as that. It's the brutal truth.

5 Tips for Easier Fat Loss

5 Tips for Easier Fat Loss

Do a Google search for "how to lose fat." I dare you. You will find thousands upon thousands of different sources, with tons of different answers. If you took the time to compare and contrast all of those different answers, you'd find tons of similarities, and tons of differences. The problem is...

Self-Belief: How to Build it and Why It Matters

Self-Belief: How to Build it and Why It Matters

Self-belief is a trust in one's own abilities. It's something that comes from experience and action. Self-belief is more permanent because it comes from the known, rather than the unknown. It comes from the tangible, rather than the abstract.

Why Some Succeed and Others Don't

Why Some Succeed and Others Don't

If fitness, you'll fail sometimes. But, you need to make sure you breed success from your failures. And it's a lot easier to believe you can succeed when you know that the other busy people in the world are crushing their goals, rather than idolizing and reaching for the results of some fitness model on instagram that lives a completely different life.

How to Get Toned and Defined

How to Get Toned and Defined

Alright ladies, this one is for you. Guys, read up as well. You'll learn something. In all my years of training and coaching, there's still one question that I get more than any other. "I want to get toned and defined. How do I do that?" Not to fear, girls. I'm here to help. But before I go into detail on what it takes to become "toned" and "defined", I'd first like to discuss what exactly those words mean.